This framework seeks to help all event managers, especially the ones from student associations at the University of St. Gallen, to organise and host climate neutral events. Therefore, it suggests a three-step guide to follow, including an extensive list of CO2 reduction measures & practical examples of how to compensate for the unavoidable emissions to eventually make events climate neutral.
It contains relevant information about the sources of emissions and how to identify them, many carbon reduction measures to make events more sustainable and finally a step-by-step guide on how to offset the unavoidable emissions to reach climate neutrality.
The framework arose from a collaboration between oikos St. Gallen and START Hack St. Gallen. Following the ambition of START Hack to become climate neutral, oikos offered their support on how to achieve this ambitious goal. The outcome of this collaboration was not only the first successful climate neutral event at the University of St. Gallen represented by START Hack 2022, but also an extensive document written by oikos to help all other student associations at the University to organise their own climate neutral events following the pioneering example of START. The project also won the prize of the SHSGxECOnnect Challenge 2021 and thereby received the precious support of ECOnnect and SHSG for the development of the framework.